
DigiReactor’s journey began in September 2021 when we embarked on a path to plan forthcoming events focused on Digital Product Development, followed by the From Idea to Digital Service and Product coaching sets. As the project draws to a close, we reflect on the milestones achieved.

Throughout our journey, DigiReactor has brought together a vibrant community of innovators, each contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to the realm of digital product development. With around 250 participants joining our events and coaching sessions,the community has grown into a dynamic melting pot of ideas and aspirations.

What sets DigiReactor apart is the diverse range of backgrounds that our participants hail from. From seasoned industry professionals to curious students, entrepreneurs to technologists, designers to marketers – the blend of skills and experiences has been inspiring.

In our events and coaching sessions, we’ve had the privilege of hearing about digital product development ideas that span across industries and domains. Visionaries have shared their concepts for disruptive apps, sustainable technologies, user-centric services, and much more. The cross-pollination of ideas, as participants interacted and exchanged insights, has sparked new connections and possibilities.

Networking at DigiReactor goes beyond a mere exchange of business cards. It’s about forging connections that bridge the gap between disciplines, encouraging collaboration that transcends organizational boundaries. With the support of a like-minded community, individuals have found the space to develop their ideas further, refine their strategies, and gather valuable feedback.

As we wrap up this chapter of DigiReactor’s journey, we’re excited to witness the ongoing connections and collaborations that have been ignited within the community. The diversity of backgrounds and ideas has not only enriched our events but also shaped the very core of DigiReactor’s spirit. Thank you to all the participants for fruitful discussions and active participation!

But remember, as one journey ends, another one is ready to unfold. Building on the successes of our event series and coaching sets, we are thrilled to present to you: DigiReactor – a revolutionary platform designed to propel your digital product development expertise to unparalleled heights.

DigiReactor Handbook

Are you ready to shine in the realm of digital innovation? The DigiReactor Handbook is your key to success. It guides you on a path that spans from ideation to collaboration with fellow experts. Seize the opportunity and embark on your journey with DigiReactor!

Join the Digital Product Developers Network – LinkedIn Group

Do you want to be part of a passionate community that lives and breathes digital product development? Join us on LinkedIn and open the door to countless opportunities!

DigiReactor Mobile App – Excellence at Your Fingertips

Do you want to master the digital transformation at your own pace? Download the DigiReactor mobile app to receive coaching for sharpening your digital product development skills. It will guide you towards the peaks of success, whether your goal is launching a new product or refining an existing one.

Spread the Word!

Share the exciting message forward! Invite students, educators, and colleagues to join the world of DigiReactor. Together, we can shape a robust digital future.

Enjoy the journey at the heart of digital product development,

Marika Säisä 
Project manager of DigiReactor 
Turku University of Applied Sciences